Hello There 👋 Welcome To My Site

I am Rakesh Kumar,

building and breaking things on web..

and I am not just another devloper...

I am a neoGrammer✌🏻

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My Story So Far

Hello, I'm Rakesh, an aspiring Full-Stack Devloper based in India.
I have decided to learn Web Devlopment during the lockdown and fell in love with it in no time.

Currently I am learning web devlopement from Tanaya Pratap at his NeogCamp . Till now I am familiar with HTML, CSS, JavaScript,React, PHP, NodeJS, Laravel, MongoDB, MySQL but I am always open to learning and trying new things.

Things I have build

In my brief Journey so far I have had chance to work upon some real world projects too, along with my hobby projects.

you can find some of them below 👇.

Just JavaScript

A personally curated list of best resources for learning JavaScript core concepts , Made in React .


A modern website with a custom backend, Made using Laravel and Nodejs .

My recent articles

I have written some articles to help newbies who have just started learning to code . You can find some of them below 👇.

Feel free to say hello

I'm always open to new oppourtunities and challenges or even if you like to just share your ideas or problems regarding to Web-Devlopment I would love to hear it .

Get In Touch